There’s such variety to the art collections at the Museum, it’s hard not to find something to fall in love with!
From modern art glass to Georgian furniture, 17th century Dutch masterpieces to contemporary British studio ceramics, the collections span four centuries of creativity and talent. Dive in and find out more below.
If you’d like to find out more about Evelyn and William De Morgan, whose works are displayed in the De Morgan Museum, please visit their website
We are also adding to our online collections database all the time.
Our collections

The paintings collection includes one of the finest groups of 17th century Dutch and Flemish works in the country, alongside wonderful examples of English portraits, and attractive pieces by the local Hold family.

The core of the Museum’s drawings collection is a group of 52 works by John Claude Nattes (c.1765-1839). Nattes was a successful topographical draughtsman and watercolourist.

Barnsley has long been associated with the art and industry of glass making. The glass collections at the Museum include Yorkshire and British examples as well as many more from Europe and North America.

One fluid and graceful style dominates the Museum’s metalwork collection. Art Nouveau designs and motifs shine through in the many excellent examples from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The ceramics at Cannon Hall Museum range in date from the eighteenth century right up to the present day.

The furniture collections at Cannon Hall Museum date from the 17th century to the early 20th century and there are many examples which would originally have been made for use in country houses across Britain.
Art Unlocked: Cannon Hall Museum
Art Unlocked is an online talk series brought to you by Art UK in collaboration with Bloomberg Philanthropies. In this talk, you will hear Mellissa Gallimore, Freelance Curator provide an insight into Cannon Hall Museum’s competing identities as an historic home, fine art collection and decorative arts museum.

The Barnsley Museums Blogsite
Read more about the history of the hall and our collections here